Saturday, September 6, 2008

And the Culprit is ...

sesame sesame seedsthumbnail.aspx peanut

and thumbnail.aspx 1 .  This means if I have any of these things that I will need thisthumbnail_021  or else2 .


Danielle said...

Sorry! I know you depend on these items to fuel you most of the time!
Atleast you know who the culprit is !!

Life on the farm... said...

Josh is still laughing about your emergency room visit!

j said...

OK, not funny but the way you wrote it WAS.

NO peanut butter marshmallow toast for you.

Christy said...

WOW...I can not believe it's all 3! That is get the peanut allergy at this point in life. It will be a big adjustment to check for all of the items in every product. We have to search for peanuts and corn in all of Dean's things. So sorry....cdb