Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jungle Gyms

Do you remember being a kid and playing on your swingset?  It was the foundation of all your outdoor play.  It became a ship, a train, or a circus theme.  We constantly used our imaginations while we played.  My brother always played cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians ( I know that is no longer correct, but that is what it was ).  I usually acted out some episode of a show.  I remember being wonder woman and the bionic woman.  I ran across the picture of a bunch of neighborhood kids playing on our jungle gym, that is what we called it.  Don't you love my maxi dress?  It was my favorite.   I wore it all the time.  My Mom is all dressed up in a pants suit.  I never look like that to check on my kids in the back yard.  Apparently red was a popular color during the 70's.  Only one kid doesn't have some shade of red on.  We also have a picnic table back there.  Funny thing is I have no recollection of ever using it.  I will have to consult my parents to see if we ever used it.80s 004


Debbie said...

I love old pictures, things were so "simple" then.

Life on the farm... said...

Aww is that you on the swing? My brother and I acted like Donny and Marie, on our trampoline....I'm alittle bit country....and he was alittle bit... what?

Woman said...

Oh yes I remember our swing set. We used to play all sorts of games. We also had a picnic table, and we did use it quite a lot.

DD said...

haha! TOO CUTE!

Misty said...

Lovin' the maxi dress! You were fancy even as a child. I would have guessed as much!

April said...

I also played Donnie and Marie, I still have my barbie form of them !! You wanna come over and play ?

Life on the farm... said...

Did you really, that's funny... I'll be over after lunch. ;)